Submissions from 2005
Transnational Legal Practice Developments, Robert E. Lutz, Philip T. von Mehren, Laurel S. Terry, Peter Ehrenhaft, Carole Silver, Clifford J. Hendel, Jonathan Goldsmith, and Masahiro Shimojo
Book Reviews, Thomas Mills, Elisa Mason, Gail A. Partin, Maryiln J. Raisch, Mary Rumsey, Teresa Stanton, and Daniel C. Turack
Re-Thinking Filial Support Laws in a Time of Medicaid Cutbacks - Effect of Pennsylvania's Recodification of Colonial-Era Poor Laws, Katherine C. Pearson
The Lawyer's Ethical Considerations in Medicaid Planning for the Elderly: Representing Smith and Jones, Katherine C. Pearson
U.S. Legal Ethics: The Coming of Age of Global and Comparative Perspectives, Laurel Terry
Submissions from 2004
Mongolia, Law Convergence, and the Third Era of Globalization, Danielle M. Conway
Research and Development Deliverables under Government Contracts, Grants, Cooperative Agreements and CRADAs: University Roles, Government Responsibilities, and Contractor Rights, Danielle M. Conway
Take me Out to the Synagogue, Michael A. Mogill
Help is on the Way, Gail A. Partin, Mary Ann Neary, and Jennifer Murray
The Responsible Thing to do About “Responsible Party” Provisions in Nursing Home Agreements: A Proposal for Change on Three Fronts, Katherine C. Pearson
Post Conviction Developments, Thomas M. Place
To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme: An Appraisal, Robert E. Rains
Foreward, Laurel S. Terry
Lawyers, GATS, and the WTO Accountancy Disciplines: The History of the WTO's Consultation, the IBA GATS Forum and the September 2003 IBA Resolutions, Laurel S. Terry
Submissions from 2003
Statutory Interpretation, Comparative Law, and Economic Theory: Discovering the Grund of Income Taxation, William Barker
Corporate Criminal Liability in the 21st Century: A New Era, Lance Cole
Dispatch and Delay: Post Conviction Relief Act Litigation in Non-Capital Cases, Donald J. Harris, Kim Nieves, and Thomas M. Place
Transnational Legal Practice: Cross-Border Legal Services: 2002 Year-in-Review, Robert E. Lutz, Philip T. von Mehren, Laurel S. Terry, Peter Ehrenhaft, and Carole Silver
Our Students, Our Selves: The Mirror Reflects Back, Michael A. Mogill
National Legal Research Teach-In Celebrates 10 Years of Success, Gail A. Partin
Traps for the Unwary in Nursing Home Admission Agreements - Guarantor, Agent or Separate Promisor, Katherine C. Pearson
Recent Developments in Postconviction Relief, Thomas M. Place
Out on a Limb: Doe v. State of Hawaii Department of Education (with apologies to Joyce Kilmer), Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 2002
Optimal International Taxation and Tax Competition: The Contradictions Overcome, William Barker
A Recruit’s Guide to the On-Campus Interview Process and the Job-Talk, Danielle M. Conway
Factual Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation: A Philosophical View of Proof and Certainty in Uncertain Disciplines, Danielle M. Conway
Remedying Trademark Infringement: The Role of Bad Faith in Awarding an Accounting of Defendant’s Profits, Danielle M. Conway
The Perpetuation of Privilege and Anti-Affirmative Action Sentiment in Rice v. Cayetano, Danielle M. Conway
Offensive Speech and the Pennsylvania Disorderly Conduct Statute, Thomas M. Place
A Discursive Essay on the Nature of Marriage and Divorce in Italy and the United States, Robert E. Rains and Gianluca Benedetti
MDPs, Spinning, and Wouters v. NOVA, Laurel S. Terry
Submissions from 2001
Coda to William Penn's Overture: Safeguarding Non-mainstream Religious Liberty Under the Pennsylvania Constitution, Gary S. Gildin
Reality Programming Lessons for Twenty-First Century Trial Lawyering, Gary S. Gildin
Lawyers without Frontiers - A View from Germany, Martin Henssler and Laurel S. Terry
Professing Pro Bono: To Walk the Talk, Michael A. Mogill
GAT's Applicability to Transnational Lawyering and its Potential Impact on U.S. State Regulation of Lawyers, Laurel Terry
A Challenge to the ABA and the U.S. Legal Professional to Monitor the GATS Negotiations: Why You Should Care, Laurel S. Terry
MDPs: Reflections from the US Perspective, Laurel S. Terry
Submissions from 2000
Prosecutorial Misuse of the Federal Conspiracy Statute in Election Law Cases, Lance Cole and Ross Nabatoff
A Blessing in Disguise: Protecting Minority Faiths Through State Religious Freedom Non-Restoration Acts, Gary S. Gildin
Dialing for Discourse: The Search for the Ever After, Michael A. Mogill
The Education of the Prof: A Work in Progress, Michael A. Mogill
Departing from the Routine: Application of Indian Tribal under the Federal Tort Claims Act, Katherine C. Pearson
Post Conviction Relief Act - Recent Developments, Thomas M. Place
The Claim is Cognizable but the Petition is Untimely: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court's Recent Collateral Relief Decisions, Thomas M. Place
Andrea's Adventures in Law Review Land, Robert E. Rains
Debating Disability Design: A Response, Robert E. Rains
The Reform of the Italian System of Private International Law with Particular Regard to Domestic Relations Issues, Andrea Russo and Robert E. Rains
German MDPs: Lessons to Learn, Laurel Terry
Submissions from 1999
Dis-qualified Immunity for Discrimination Against the Disabled, Gary S. Gildin
Remember the Indigent: The View from the Outside Tower, Michael A. Mogill
Common Law Preclusion, Full Faith and Credit, and Consent Judgments: The Analytical Challenge, Katherine C. Pearson
An Introduction to the Paris Forum on Transnational Practice for the Legal Profession, Laurel Terry
A Primer on MDPS: Should the No Rule become a New Rule, Laurel Terry
Multidisciplinary Practice: Examining the Issues, Laurel S. Terry
Submissions from 1998
The Government-Client Privilege after Office of the President v. Office of the Independent Counsel, Lance Cole
Cooperate or We'll Take Your Child: The Parents' Fictional Voluntary Separation Decision and a Proposal for Change, Katherine C. Pearson
A Scramble for the Eggs, Robert E. Rains
An Introduction to Cross-Border Practice ABA-Style: The Agreement between the ABA and the Brussels Bars Associations, Laurel S. Terry
Submissions from 1997
Federal Procurement of Environmental Remediation Services: Feast or Famine for Small Business, Danielle M. Conway
Academic TROs: How to Prevail in the Court of Public Opinion, Michael A. Mogill
Submissions from 1996
A Comparative Approach to Income to Income Tax Law in the United Kingdom and the United States, William Barker
Trial By Jury in the New Russia: A Travelogue, Gary S. Gildin
Introduction: Conversations about the State of Legal Profession, Peter G. Glenn
Misconceptions of the Law: Providing Full Recovery for the Birth of the Unplanned Child, Michael A. Mogill
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel under the Pennsylvania Post Conviction Relief Act, Thomas M. Place
Taking Kronmna and Glendon One Step Further: In Celebration of Professional Schools, Laurel Terry
Submissions from 1995
Department of Defense Procurement Practices after Adarand: What Lies Ahead for the Largest Purchaser of Goods and Services and Its Base of Small Disadvantaged Business Contractors, Danielle M. Conway and Christopher Leon Jones Jr.
Appellate Determinacy: The Sentencing Philosophy of The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Gary S. Gildin
Some Thoughts about Developing Constructive Approaches to Lawyer and Law Student Distress, Peter G. Glenn
Teach-In Reflections: Past, Present and Future, Gail Partin
Dealing out Justice, Robert E. Rains
Dealing out Justice, Robert E. Rains
Reengineering Social Security: Social Security Administration's Plan for a New Disability Claim Process, Robert E. Rains
Social Insecurity on the Horizon for Disabled Workers, Robert E. Rains
The Advocate's Conflicting Obligations vis-à-vis Adverse Medical Evidence in Social Security Proceedings, Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1994
Testing Trial Advocacy: A Law Professor's Brief Life as a Public Defender, Gary S. Gildin
Partial Termination of Single-Employer Tax Qualified Plans: Clarity or Misappropriated Judicial Decision-Making?, Samantha J. Prince and Jo Ann Petroziello
Professional Double: Or, The Twin Peak of Professor Z's Career, Robert E. Rains
The Long and Short of a Small Case, Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1993
Susan M. Reprised, Robert E. Rains
An Introduction to the European Community's Legal Ethics Code - Part I: An Analysis of the CCBE Code of Conduct, Laurel Terry
An Introduction to the European Community's Legal Ethics Code - Part II: Applying the CCBE Code of Conduct, Laurel Terry
Submissions from 1992
A Pre-History of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Some Initial Thoughts as to Its Constitutional Implications, Robert E. Rains
Loose Lips: A Lesson in Civil Law, Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1991
Protecting Children - and Their Families - From Abuse: The Cleveland Crises and England's Children Act 1989, Robert E. Rains
Sullivan v. Zebley: New Disability Standards for Indigent Children to Obtain Government Benefits, Richard P. Weishapt and Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1990
Fair Weather Friends, Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1989
Avoiding 'The Big Chill': Protecting the Attorney-Client Relationship from the Effects of Zurcher, Michael A. Mogill
A Specialized Court for Social Security? A Critique of Recent Proposals, Robert E. Rains
Of Clocks and Things, Robert E. Rains
Submissions from 1988
Ethical Pitfalls and Malpractice Consequences of Law Firm Breakups, Laurel Terry
Submissions from 1986
Federal Income Taxation and Captive Insurance, William Barker