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Publication Date
Fall 1999
This article focuses on the 1998 Paris Forum on Transnational Practice for the Legal Profession and introduces the papers contained in the Paris Forum Symposium. The Paris Forum was the first meeting of lawyers from around the world devoted solely to the topic of transnational legal practice. Before the Paris Forum, some bar organizations had set aside time during their meetings to discuss the transnational practice of law and issues related to transnational legal services also had been included as topics in general conferences. The multi-day Paris Forum, however, was the first multi-day conference devoted to this topic. This paper includes statistics about transnational practice of law and provides examples of regulatory responses to this phenomenon. The paper explains the objectives of the Paris Forum, including the relationship between the General Agreement on Trade in Services or GATS and the Paris Forum. This paper continues with an explanation of the preparations undertaken for the Paris Forum. It addresses the work product of, and events at, the Paris Forum, including the conference agenda, the closing communiqué, and the discussion papers prepared by the CCBE, the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations and the American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice, who were the three major sponsors of the Paris Forum. The paper concludes with observations about the future of transnational legal practice regulation.
Publication Title
Dick. J. Int'l L.
Recommended Citation
Laurel Terry, An Introduction to the Paris Forum on Transnational Practice for the Legal Profession, 18 Dick. J. Int'l L. 1 (1999). Available at:
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Comparative and Foreign Law Commons, International Trade Law Commons, Legal Profession Commons