Dickinson Law Review Vol. 122(1): Tradition, Innovation, and New Beginnings: Celebrating the History of the Dickinson Law Review

Laurel Terry


Volume 122(1) of Penn State's Dickinson Law Review is entitled "Tradition, Innovation, and New Beginnings: Celebrating the History of the Dickinson Law Review." The articles reprinted in this volume were organized around six themes: 1) In the Beginning . . . Volume 1 and What It Means to Be a Lawyer; 2) Early (and Ongoing) Efforts to Help Shape the Law; 3) An Early and Ongoing Commitment to Experiential Education; 4) Reflections about Legal Education; 5) Facilitating Dialogue With and About the Profession; and 6) Understanding and Improving Our Judicial System. The reprinted articles span almost all of the law review's 121-year history. After an introduction by Dean Gary Gildin entitled New Beginnings: Embracing the Tradition and Innovation of “Practice Greatness ” and a Foreword by Professor Laurel Terry, Volume 122(1) reprints an article by Delaware Chief Justice Charles Lore that appeared in Volume 1 of the law review. Volume 122(1) reprints an article that appeared more than 110 years later that discussed the impact of Iqbal, which some have called the most signifcant case of the Roberts Court. And there are lots of articles that were published in-between these articles. For example, the section on "Shaping the Law" reprints articles by J.P. McKeehan on Uniform Commerical Acts, a response by Samuel Williston, and an article by Prof. Michael Joachim Bonell entitled "Do We Need a Global Commerical Code?". (Professor Bonell has been active in UNCITRAL and was instrumental in helping develop the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts.) The section on experiential education reprints an explanatory law review editorial about moot court from 1897 and an example of a "moot court" publication from 1905. It also reprints an article by Judge Ruggero Aldisert and his law clerks entitled "Insider Advice on Landing Judicial Clerkships." (Those who are interested in experiential education might also want to read Professor Peter Joy 's article in Volume 122(2), which is entitled The Uneasy History of Experiential Education in U.S. Law Schools). The section on REFLECTIONS ABOUT LEGAL EDUCATION reprints a 1914 article by Walter Harrison Hitchler about whether college graduation should be a requirement for law schools, as well as articles written by legal education leaders Bob MacCrate and Nancy Rapoport. The section entitled FACILITATING DIALOGUE WITH AND ABOUT THE PROFESSION reprints articles by Tony Kronman, whose influential book "The Lost Lawyer" was the focus of a law review Symposium, as well as articles by Professor Marc Galanter, whose "Tournament of Lawyers" book has changed the way we speak about lawyers and law firms; Ward Bower, who was a pioneer in law firm consulting and data-drive decision making in law firms; Larry Fox, who has had a profound impact on U.S. legal ethics, and former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice Edward Fox. The final section of Volume 122(1) was entitled UNDERSTANDING AND IMPROVING OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Two of the articles in this section focused on the judicial system itself: Pleading, for the Future: Conversations After Iqbal, which was written by Judge Lee Rosenthal, who has been actively engaged in efforts to understand and improve the judicial system, and Professor Deborah Hensler, an influential legal academic whose reprinted article is entitled Our Courts, Ourselves: How the Alternative Dispute Resolution Movement Is Re-Shaping Our Legal System.The remaining three articles in this section focus on the impact of an individual judge - here Justice Harry Blackmun. Two of the three authors whose articles about Justice Blackmun have been reprinted are themselves now judges, which adds an interesting perspective when (re)reading these articles. Judge Diane P. Wood’s article is entitled Justice Blackmun and Individual Rights; Judge Karen Nelson Moore's article is entitled Justice Blackmun and Preclusion in the State-Federal Context; and Professor Pamela S. Karlan's article is Bringing Compassion into the Province of Judging: Justice Blackmun and the Outsiders. Professor Laurel Terry's "Foreword" to Volume 122(1) provides additional information about these articles and also explains why "tradition", "innovation," and "new beginnings" were appropriate themes for Volume 122(1) of Penn State's Dickinson Law Review. See https://works.bepress.com/laurel_terry/81/.