A debate on the propriety of establishing mandatory GMO labeling at the state level is well underway. Based on the results of recent ballot initiatives and state legislation, it is apparent that the concept of mandatory labeling enjoys significant support. Vermont has led the way with its enactment of a "no-strings attached" GMO labeling law, but federal courts and Congress will ultimately determine how the labeling issue will proceed. Regardless of how court challenges or preemptive federal legislation develop on the labeling issue, consumers still must decide whether they support the existing genetically modified food system. It is reasonable to expect that the battle centered on whether or not consumers should accept or reject GMOs will continue to move forward regardless of the outcome of current mandatory labeling debate.
Recommended Citation
Ross H. Pifer,
Mandatory Labeling Laws: What Do Recent State Enactments Portend for the Future of GMOs?,
Dick. L. Rev.
Available at: